Friday 11 May 2012

The Queens speech this week, not only did nothing to help the squeezed middle classes, or the millions of unemployed, it snook in some idealogies that had apparantly been put on the back burner until they could be hidden behind promises of rebuilding the country. "LOL".
 The controversial, so called snoopers charter which was gently suggested a couple of weeks ago, then quickly backed away from was announced with a whisper. Why not a fanfare? Why, when the incompetant baffoons running this country do have a good idea, do they not have the conviction or the balls to stand up and say so. I wrote previously about this idea, and am a massive supporter of it. If it stops extremist terror groups bombing our schools and shopping precincts, if it stops sick peodophiles grooming our innocent children, if stops opportunistic fraudsters stealing identities or conning old ladies out of their savings then i believe it worth losing a little privacy.
 Then there was the cutting of red tape to enable small businesses to employ people more easily and thrust the economy into growth..
Hidden in the small print is another long held ideology of the government, make it easier to wield the axe of power and sack people willy nilly. They plan to make anyone who has been employed for less than two years have no employment rights. This is the  not a charter for rebuilding the country, this is not a charter for employment or growth. This is a charter for bullying, exploitation, and unjust sacking of hard working people. It will stop the most talented people who find themselves stuck in a rut from risking going for a new job, for fear of leaving themselves vulnerable and facing the dole queue. This is not going to get the best people in to the jobs we need the best people in.  The new legislation will make it even harder for businesses to attract good workers. this will harm the recovery of this country. Politics, ideals and theories devised in a lecture room at oxbridge will not work in real life when implimented by snobbish spoilt little boys who have never had a real job and are carrying out an experiment tto see how far they can push before we say enough is enough. Surely, that time is now-they have gone far enough. 
 Not only do the Government intend to make it easier to sack people, they are set to take away the right to appeal and the right to a tribunal. They also quite evidently want to crush the trade unions once and for all so that the rich and powerful can be ultimately more powerful and richer. Now is the time to join the union. Now is the time to tell your MP that you will not tolerate this abuse. The only way to stop bullies is to stand up to them. The Tories and the leeches in the Lib dem hanger on coalition do not get it. The real people of this country need to take control of thier own destinies and say no more.
We have seen in the board rooms this week, that shareholders are no longer willing to put up with massive self gain from the people at the top while the people at the bottom suffer. Now is the time when communities need to stand together and pull together, when work forces whether public or private sector tell the powers that be that we demand fairness, a lesson i suspect which is not taught in the halls of Oxford , Cambridge or the palace of Westminster .

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