Thursday 23 May 2013

Yesterday, the UK watched in horror as the storey unfolded of the brutal murder in broad daylight, of a young soldier.
Initial reports claimed the assailants were of “Muslim appearance”.
The attackers unusually, did not flee the scene but in a chilling twist stayed and encouraged witnesses to take photographs of the body and of them. ITV broadcast the pictures and scenes of one of the attackers calmly apologising for women having to witness his attack.
The fall out was unfortunately quite predictable.
The vile hatred of ignorant, narrow minded, racist idiots spewed out all over social networking sights like face book and Twitter. There were reports of mosques being set fire to and angry mobs gathering in areas of London and other cities.
I saw one post saying the only way to stop these tragedies is to kill all Muslims and send them home.
If the attacker was a a small fat balding Catholic, would we have reacted in the same way? I very much doubt that Catholic churches would have been attacked or all men fitting that description would be accused of being the same.
Were Doctors surgeries set alight when Harol Shipman went on a killing spree? Of course not.
While many many Muslims and community leaders condemned the actions of these two attackers, I was ashamed (again) to be British.
There were reports on TV that some young Muslims had celebrated the attack, but the majority of honest decent human beings would not rejoice at the savage killing of fellow human being.

If I put myself in the shoes of a Muslim man or woman living in this country, working and paying my way, contributing to society – how would I feel at the wide spread assault on me and my family and friends by the country I have adopted as my home?
I would probably feel threatened and alienated. I would probably think people in this country were narrow minded yobs who judge people at face value and make incorrect dangerous assumptions.

It is interesting that this has happened when all the major political parties, revved up and egged on by the UKIP surge in popularity, are talking about immigration. I don’t think it is helpful to breed a culture where people are not welcome in our country. We are told constantly that immigrants will come here rape our women and take our houses while living on handouts from our already buckling welfare state. While I welcome responsible debate, surely it needs to a balanced one by people who are not extremists or bigots or thugs.
As they say “The pen is mightier than sword”, however, if the pen cuts a large portion of the country to ribbons and accuses its residents of being guilty by association every time a lunatic acts badly then the sword will prosper and and we will all suffer the consequences.

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