Wednesday 9 January 2013

The vile Delhi bus gang rape of a 22 year old student has rightly lead to world wide condemnation and disgust. The so far unnamed victim was lured on to a bus before being violently attacked by at least five men, viciously beating her and sexually assaulting her with a metal bar before dumping her naked body in the street and leaving her for dead. One of the accused arrested was just 17.
Sadly, this was not an isolated incident. Astonishingly, there was more than 600 rapes in Delhi last year but despite this appallingly high number, the doctors who treated the victim claimed this was the most disturbing they had seen. Parts of the victims intestine were removed in attempts to save her life, so horrific were the injuries.
This has raised many questions about the attitudes of men towards women in a country where females are treated worse than we treat animals.
The savage behaviour of the people in India is so shameful that the rest of the civilised world must take sanctions against India.
 A country rich enough to have its own space programme, received £280million in 2012 from Britain alone. A further $98million was donated by the USA. 
The Government, who last year announced aide to India would stop in 2015, should bring forward the plan and the developed world should turn its back on India until it addresses the way it treats its women.
Not only are there hundreds of women raped on the streets of India, there is wide spread killing of female foetuses and wholesale murder of female infants.
The police in India are alleged to be regularly bribed by human traffickers who kidnap girls to sell either as sex slaves or servants. Girls as young as 10 year old are sold to families or paedophiles for as little as £700.
This is not just a male attitude issue. Obviously women in richer families are aware that these despicable crimes are happening but not only turn a blind eye, they see these girls as nothing more than possession's.
35000 children were reported missing in India last year alone with many more going unreported.
The people of India try to justify the evil that takes place on poverty. The truth is, there is absolutely no excuse to force girls as young as 13 into marriage and subject them to daily abuse and rape because there isn't much money. The fact millions of people are living in the kind of poverty hard pressed Britain can only imagine in nightmares, still does not justify the atrocities that are happening.
One woman who was finally arrested for buying a kidnapped child to use as a servant but allowed the child to be forced into marriage raped by her oldest son sought to justify her actions by claiming there was not enough women to go round. Because the practise of foeticide is so rife, even though it is illegal, there are massive shortfalls of females in some areas of India. This leads to tens of thousands of girls who are allowed to survive, being stolen from poorer areas and sold in the richer areas.
India should hang its head in shame and must have a good long look at the way it exists. The corruption and dishonesty is at such levels that it seems to have become void of any humanity or moral conscience. There is a culture that believes men are worth so much more than women, that many pregnant women are harangued into abortion when they learn it is a girl they are carrying.
For every 1000 boys under the age of 7, there are only 914 girls.
This is not a new phenomenon. In the 1980 some clinics from Punjab were boasting that they had over 10 years experience in eliminating girl babies. This is obscene!
Although a law was passed in 1994 outlawing abortion on the grounds of gender selection the number of young girls in India has continued to decline. India has had decades to solve this problem and has failed. We, the rest of the world has a moral obligation to force India to act.
With more Indian immigrants now living in this country than immigrants born in any other country, it is little wonder that grooming of young girls, gang rapes and  sexual assaults are becoming more and more common when it is so acceptable in their native country.
This country is a ticking time bomb if we do nothing to stamp out India's abhorrent attitudes.

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