Thursday 18 October 2012

Yesterdays unemployment figures were welcomed in parliament by a smug David Cameron shouting across the dispatch box to Labour leader Ed Miliband that he should make himself comfortable because "we are going nowhere". Typical Cameron, gloating over his success while millions are still unemployed and there are more damning cuts yet to come.
As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, the smug just keep getting smugger. Is he and his millionaires cabinet really so out of touch with reality that they believe we are stupid enough to believe him?
While he continues to pursue his idealistic attacks on benefits, workers rights and the elderly, the well who who bankroll his party are looking forward to £40,000 tax breaks next April. In comparison, many people living in poverty on council houses will be preparing to be taxed for having spare bedrooms.
The new bedroom tax will see families with two same sex children under the age of 16,living in a 3 bedroom house, losing 10% of their housing benefits.Families with a boy and a girl under the age of 10 living in a 3 bedroom house  will also be told that they are under crowded. Couples of working age, whose children have left home will lose even more. Which ever way you look at this policy it will only affect the poorest people in society.
Changes later next year will see the introduction of universal credits to replace the present system. This will mean one single payment for all benefits paid into an account of one house holder. Claimants, many of whom may never even have previously had a bank account, let alone had to budget, could suddenly find they have hundreds of pounds in cash. Housing benefit is currently paid direct to councils or housing associations, and yet there is still thousands of pounds of arrears.  These arrears will inevitably increase when tenants are expected to pay the rent them selves. Payday Loan companies will be rubbing their hands together with glee as debt and hardship will undoubtedly increase. The idea according to Ian Duncan Smith, the failed former Tory leader who created the universal credit, is to prepare people for work.
 By that they mean forcing people to take work that is low paid and potentially in poor working conditions if the government press on with plans to virtually scrap workers rights and health and safety regulations.
The increase in employment is thanks mainly to part time poorly paid jobs and will probably be short lived as many of them will have been seasonal temporary jobs created by events such as the London Olympics. While Cameron brags of the lowest unemployment figures in 15months 10% of Yorkshire remain out of work. Further North the figures are worse.
Cameron's project is simply to crush the poor in the North and sacrifice everything to save his beloved London. As he battles to save the banks and businesses in the city, he stands by and watches the rest of the country simply decay. The North east of England has suffered mass unemployment and hardship for years, caused by decisions made down south.
The bankers and high rollers in the capital caused their own downfall through greed and selfishness, while the poor in the rest of the country are expected to foot the bill for bailing them out.
Industry in the North is confined to history as the government harp on and and on about a third runway at Heathrow or high speed rail links to the capital.
Why not invest some of those billions it would cost to protect the city of London and the borough of Westminster in the rest of England.
Why not pump money into building more houses. Not just affordable houses, council houses. Affordable houses are no use to any one if the cannot afford to eat.
 Fix the roads, build houses, regenerate the thousands of communities crippled by years of neglect from governments past and present. Instead of making statements about changes to planning to boost building projects, put the cash up. Mass house building by local authorities funded by central government would put workers back to work, and young people who have never had a chance, the opportunity for apprenticeships and skill learning that will benefit generations to come.
With those building sites would come money been spent in local economies and get people off their back side and restore some dignity and pride to the rest of the country that Cameron, Clegg, Osbourn and co seem so determined to send to damnation.

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