Thursday 9 August 2012

So a fabulous summer of sport is almost over. European championships provided us with a prolonged football season, ( if only as spectators) and then the glorious London Olympics inspired us all to dig out our plimsolls and shell suits and join the gym, again.. But what happens when the band waggon comes to an abrupt end in a few days time?
Will the shine of those gleaming gold medals fade or will the legacy of the games be to actually benefit the rest of the country for generations?
There has been plenty of reporting on the ratio of medals per private school compared to state school. How many comprehensives have a rowing lake? asked free school champion Toby Young this week.
How many comprehensive schools have a sports academy?
It is yet another example of the rich being able to afford the opportunity to succeed.
State school pupils can only dream of the kind of facilities on offer to the better off kids. Not only are they unable to access the same facilities at school but cannot afford to join the clubs either. How many working class families from poorer backgrounds can afford to send little Harvey off to yachting club at the weekend or little Gideon off to a cycling club? Many of them cant even afford a bike let alone a club membership.
London Mayor, Boris Johnson says he wants school children to do PE for two hours every day. Is this the answer? Of course not. Typical Tory patronising, well meant but not really thought out.
Most kids don't even want to do PE once a week. How will they react to being forced to do it  for two hours a day? They will rebel against it and probably write them selves a sick note. It is quite likely the only game they will be playing is truant.
What is needed is inspiration from teachers. Unfortunately, it the governments policy to discourage the best people from joining the teaching profession by raping their pensions and trying to discredit their unions. As a father of two young children i want the very best people to teach them. My wife and I entrust them to the care of school for more hours of the day than I spend with them.
If my children get sick i want to know that the doctors and nurses that treat them are the best available.
 Why shouldn't teachers get well rewarded to do one of the most responsible jobs in the world?
Teachers are not just expected to teach the syllabus these days, in many schools teachers are also responsible for teaching right from wrong, morals,and  sex education. Some parents don't even own a single book. Some of them see it as the job of teachers to enable their children to read, others simply cant afford books. For me the very best teachers are those who can inspire. Sadly even the most inspirational teachers cannot work magic with no help. The government needs to think of ways to facilitate the inspiration, not just legislate for it.
If we want to see equality in sport in this country, we need to see equality in life. We will never achieve this while the rich and powerful dominate and control every aspect of our life. I agree with Dennis Mcshane's suggestion that we need more working class MPs. I'm not sure his idea of how to achieve it is plausible but the idea would be a good start. We also need more working class athletes, gymnasts, cyclists and teachers. Come on Britain, make the most of London 2012

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